Cartridge Experts

I am wondering what sonic impact is there between long vs short cantilevers? I assume a longer one will have more mass and be more damped. Of coarse it will depend on the material as well.
i know some people do not like them but i love a vacuum hold down. Helps on some records with warps and provides solid contact. Having used an apollo that has a short, linear arm, warps can drive you crazy. Previous owner did not use vac hold down and when i got the table about two years ago, was wondering how to get around the issue. I got the vacuum working and it made a great difference in the system
No, a longer cantilever doesn't necessarily mean more mass. All variables must be taken into account when designing ANYTHING including cartridges. Magnet strength, flex, mass, suspension compliance, resonance, etc., etc., etc. That is what makes it an art and best be left to the artists.
Stringreen, are you trying to say if I'm not an artist I should mind my own business? If everyone listened to that advise nothing new would ever happen.
naw, i think he is saying that whether short or long cantilever, the designer understands why he/she made it the way it was made and took a lot of variables into consideration besides length. but again i could be wrong!!!!
No are correct. Then too if Sarcher could provided works of notable effort, he would be an artist.