That Audiophile Thing

It took me years of going to "high end emporiums", reading every audio magazine printed, including those in the UK, and listening in that "audiophilic manner" to get my system together. It has the holographic sound I worked so hard to achieve.

Recently, I was admiring another audiophile's exquisite system (not personally, but here on the Gon) and I was wondering how long it took him to put it together. After admiring his system, I began listening to mine, and enjoying the music immensely. While I thought about his system, the thought also came to me about the headache of putting a new system together in "your" listening room. Even if you have the money, you don't just plunk this stuff down in the listening room and get good sound out of it.

To complicate matters even more, this is a 300B system utilizing extremely efficient speakers. Although I know "zip" about a 300B system, I'm positive from what I've read, that his sound is exquisite. My question to you, is after taking into consideration all the "minutiae" involved in getting audiophile holographic sound in your listening room, are you ready to do it all over again? Money is not a consideration in regard to this question.
Meant to write the 100 watt PP amp had a bit more bass presence and authority. In terms of tactile presence and realism of venue ambiance the SET 300b is more convincing.You feel you`re in the same space as the live performers,I like that.
Secret, if holo sound is your goal, find a modded Dynaco PAS-3 pre for $500 or less and run it with a SS amp with 200+ watts a side.
Used to show up on here a lot, but not many moving lately.
I have two, use NOS 5814's, RCA blackplates throw a big stage.Even the cheapest Analysis Plus IC's do as well.

It's for certain I won't have a 300B in the listening room. Do you think they're too hot for the bedroom? I can stand as much heat as a tube pre, but not a tube amp. I'm seriously considering a 300B in the bedroom, that's where I'm sure the low power won't be a factor.

Thanks to every one for participating.

Enjoy the music.

Theoretically, the 300B is the best, that's why I have to try it. When someone tells me that I have to try something in order to find out whether or not it works, but can't provide any kind of theory in regard to why it works, as far as I'm concerned it's "snake oil". In the case of the 300B, the theory is there.

Enjoy the music.