How do I install my cartridge?

I recently bought a Denon DL-110 and a used Denon DP-300F that didn't come with a cartridge. I have no idea where to install the cartridge, and how to do it. The cartridge isn't coming out of the glass "thing" it's attached to....and I don't have a screwdriver. Do I need one?
Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm just new at this, haha.
read this an do it yourself. You will have a much better analog experience learning how to do it yourself versus someone else installing.
You wont even be able to ship it for $30 much less get it repaired and shipped back. Find someone local to do this for you, pay attention and learn.

Or buy Michael Fremer's DVD on how to set up your turntable. It is available at a number of on line vinyl retailers for about $30. follow his instructions and you should be ok.