Solid State Phono Pre-amp Recommendations

I own a fully-loaded VPI Scoutmaster turntable with JMW-9 Signature tonearm and Dynavector DV-20X Low MC cartridge.

I'm looking to upgrade my current RSA F-117 Nighthawk MC/MM phono pre-amp and would like to stay with Solid State.

What would you recommend to use with my Dynavector DV-20X Low MC cartridge that some day may get upgraded to either a Dynavector XX-2 MKII or a Lyra Delos.

A friend of mine has recommended either the Sutherland Ph3D or the Sutherland 20/20.
Buy a used Pass Labs Xono for $1800 to $2200!

Many adjustments and settings - gain, resistor, capacitance for "ANY" MM or MC made!

Simple circuit, great reliability!

Many great reviews and awards!
02-03-12: Sirotseta
Sutherlands are neutral and very good at their price points.

Heard good things about the Parasound JC-3 but its engine is based on OpAmps (although carefully selected by John Curl) so I'm not sure about its long term value. So are the ASR mini basis exclusive, which I had and sold. It is perfect sounding but somehow a bit "flat"

Well the Sutherland 20/20 also uses opamps and is priced about the same as the JC3.
FWIW, in the latest followup test of the JC3 in Stereophile, the reviewer compared it to John Curl's highly regarded (and quite expensive in its day) discrete component 'Vendetta' phono stage - and found the differences quite small.

I have no stake in either component, nor have I heard them....just wouldn't write off the JC3 based on its use of opamps - it's construction quality 'looks' superb.
I agree win Don. The Pass Xono for about $2K is a great SS phono. Very neutral and very adjustable. Great build quality and very reliable. Super support from Pass Labs if you should ever need it.

I had the Xono for a while and in my system it was too forward, too in your face. I much preferred the earlier Aleph Ono. More reserved and laid back, but I can see where the Xono would work well in a lot of systems.
