Solid State Phono Pre-amp Recommendations

I own a fully-loaded VPI Scoutmaster turntable with JMW-9 Signature tonearm and Dynavector DV-20X Low MC cartridge.

I'm looking to upgrade my current RSA F-117 Nighthawk MC/MM phono pre-amp and would like to stay with Solid State.

What would you recommend to use with my Dynavector DV-20X Low MC cartridge that some day may get upgraded to either a Dynavector XX-2 MKII or a Lyra Delos.

A friend of mine has recommended either the Sutherland Ph3D or the Sutherland 20/20.
I agree win Don. The Pass Xono for about $2K is a great SS phono. Very neutral and very adjustable. Great build quality and very reliable. Super support from Pass Labs if you should ever need it.

I had the Xono for a while and in my system it was too forward, too in your face. I much preferred the earlier Aleph Ono. More reserved and laid back, but I can see where the Xono would work well in a lot of systems.

I'll second the Pass Labs Xono recommendation. It is just a fabulous phono pre with enough adjustability to work with any cart you are likely to own. I am using one now with a Denon DL-S1 and could not be happier.