Sumiko tonearm rewire

About to dwell into rewiring my Sumiko tonearm. Just a few points before I start, if somebody went through this ordeal before.
The wire thickness - 34 AWG will be best? I am looking for 'warm' sound so I guess I should look at copper.
The wire insulation - what is better - silk or enamel?
Any particular solder brand I should be using?

I am not sure if it possible to take off the wand completely in other words to disassemble it, I can see that it is possible to get the wire through without taking it off, but on the other hand if I can take it off I would rather take it off, otherwise I may risk damaging the wire insulation.
Thank you
use cardas wire. redoing the arm is a tedious process, so dont do it when you are tired.

use the OE wires to pull the new wires through. I used sewing thread since it holds well but is still flexible.
Hi John,
Thank you for looking at this.
Yes, I think I know what you mean, I fixed some isolation on mine close to the pivot place, that was a challenge, but like you said - go slow and take a deep breath :)

Sorry - what is OE wire?
And one more, in case I decide to do it myself - when you solder - do you think you can solder with gold? I never did it before, just wondering? Otherwise the place where you solder will break the copper flow with whatever it is in the solder, is that right?

Thank you
Decided to take the re-wire route and here is the result.
Plunged into BritAudio rewire service, asked before shipping if can be done, the answer was positive.
Now got the arm back not wired with the refund check minus shipping, the note says "Unable to install new wiring in tonearm due to small opening for wire to pass through".
Anybody had more luck somewhere else?
Looks like I have no better option now than take another chance.
Thank you
I have never rewired a Sumiko. So I can add no advice for that part.

1)34awg is only a starting point. There are many of us that believe the smaller the better. I am using 44awg magnet wire, enamel coated. The clarity in the midrange is astounding. I know you said you like a warm sound, but I will address that later.

2)Copper wire is a good conclusion. I have never tried Silver, so can't comment.

3)Silk or Enamel; here is the hard part. The dielectric has more influence on the tiny signal than most want to admit. Silk is the best since there is no cotton coated wire I know of. A silk wrapped wire will have the least amount of dielectric smearing. At this point your need for a 'warm' sound is out the window. Good. Once you taste clarity, you would never go back.

4)Please invest in lead free, silver solder. Mundorf, WBT being two easy ones to get.

5)I will get a lot of grief for saying this next thing. WBT Nextgen RCA connectors (way too expensive, but the best I have used), with the Eichmann Bullets being the next best. IF XLR, the cheap Neutrik 'non' gold plated being the best of that family for me.

6)Keep the wire on the outside of the armtube for now. Try a few different wire's until you find your fave. Don't discount 46/10 Litz wire, cheap cheap cheap, sounds great.

7)Shielding may not be needed. For my system, careful orientation of the wires as they reach the phono pre get's rid of any hum. Non shielded cables sound best to me YMMV.