CD Players: Stop breaking down

Curious if anyone has this issue: In the past 5 years I have had 2 cd players that have been well-regarded, if not expensive: Onkyo DX-7555, and Cambridge Audio 640C. The Onkyo died after a year -- perfect condition, but it won't play discs, just clicks. Now the Cambridge is exhibiting the tell tale signs, skipping a lot and flashing the NO PLAY message at times. Funny thing is I also have a streaming setup so I don't even use the cd players that much. Am I doing something wrong, or are CD lasers just that fragile? Of course in this price range they are not worth getting fixed, so the Onkyo sits in its box in my attic, with the Cambridge soon to follow, I fear.

My thought was to get a universal player (e.g., Oppo 105) when the Cambridge dies; now I'm questioning that $1200 investment if the pattern is going to continue.
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I see a lot of complaints lately regarding the Cambridge Audio CDPs. Check the archives or google.
I am having the same issues with my 640C (V.2). Very low hours on the player. I moved a Denon DVP-2200 semi-universal player (no Blu-Ray)to my stereo with much better results. I have an OPPO 93 in my home theater system and have also been considering the 105 for the 2 channel. This seems to me to be the best option at this time. I will steer clear of any more Cambridge products. Yes this a rather large investment, but with the vast collection of cds you probably have, I think it would be a viable option. I have been very happy with my OPPO.
My Oppo BDP-95 works fine, but the transport, while fine for the price, does not inspire great confidence in me that it is built for the long haul. There are probably threads about which transports last longest. You could also see if you can buy a spare transport or two for the Oppo.
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