Thank you for posting such well thought out and thorough write-up of the two cartridges. Your passion for audio and analog really shows and is much appreciated and admired. You being humble about your writing is also admirable and do not worry about forgiveness - none is needed. I enjoyed your read very much.
BTW, my first MC, purchased in the late seventies, was a 103D and I enjoyed it immensely. The fact that they are still being made is indeed a testament to their greatness.
Thanks again and good day from the other side of the pond ;-)
Thank you for posting such well thought out and thorough write-up of the two cartridges. Your passion for audio and analog really shows and is much appreciated and admired. You being humble about your writing is also admirable and do not worry about forgiveness - none is needed. I enjoyed your read very much.
BTW, my first MC, purchased in the late seventies, was a 103D and I enjoyed it immensely. The fact that they are still being made is indeed a testament to their greatness.
Thanks again and good day from the other side of the pond ;-)