How many LP's do you own? How long did it take?

I started to collect vinyl in the late 80's, after it was demonstrated to me (to my ears) that vinyl sounded better than cds. I was fortunate at the time that people were dumping their vinyl collections. I was able to buy great LP's in mint condiiton for .10 cents each or so at garage sales...My have things hve changed. The vast majority of LPs I buy now are new and cost between $14 to $50 bucks each. Used LP'P's can go for more if its rare. So, how many LP's do you own and how long did it take you to amass your collection? I currently have about 2000 LPs.
I have about six or seven which is about one 25th of my hi rez downloads. I serv my need to figit and tinker by buying a pet.
Dear Tbromgard: Nice thread. I think that could be interesting to know how many of those big collection LPs are listening their owners by month?

Btw, I own around 6K+ an started in the 60's.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Stopped counting a long time ago. The bell curve is still on the uptick and the beauty is in the hunt. The Nitty Gritty has held up well.
Craigslist is your friend.

There are billions of records out there and most people don't have the means to play theirs.

I had a huge score at a rained out yard sale.

The poor fellow came out and offered me the whole lot for $100.

I had to go get my truck and filled up the back with boxes and a couple of boxes on top of that.

I took what I wanted and sold the rest at $15 a foot, 3 foot minimum. The excess was gone in 3 hours and I made a profit and had thousands of albums for free.

The point is not that I am a genius, but that there is no reason to pay much for LPs.

I don't expect to get much for them when I sell but I enjoy them just as much as I could if I overpaid.
