Phono stage help


I could really use some advice. I have a PS Audio GCPH and a GFP-750 preamp. I am toying with the idea of either getting an EAR 834p, Parasound JC 3 or getting rid of my GFP-750 and modding my GCPH and using it alone. Can anyone steer my in the right direction here?
I am using the GFP in passive mode because it was too noisy in active. I have a Shelter 501 and have the GCPH set at 60dB, so I could even go higher. In passive mode, is the GFP adding anything/is there any reason to keep it? Also, I currently own an A21 amp, which I would like to upgrade one day to a VK-250. I guess I have to try out the GCPH directly hooked up to the amp. As far as the Sutherland goes, I have considered it as well, but the problem is, that if I get rid of my GFP, I will need to find a phono stage with a volume control.
The Shelter has .5mV of output, which may be enough, depending on your need for volume, the efficiency of your speakers, room size, and the levels at which your vinyls are recorded(which vary widely). note: One of the noticeable benefits of the mentioned upgrades, is an increase in dynamics. Happy experimenting! BTW: what cables are you using?
Heroes are a nice interconnect. They were the first Kimbers that I tried. The farther up the Kimber line you progress; the more of everything good you will hear from your source. I'm using KS-1030's and a Synergistic Tricon Analog(KS-1130's on my CDP).
I'm using a Sutherland 20/20 with a Benz Wood SL; it's awesome. Multiple reviews on line concerning the 20/20. I agree with Brian D. Stereophile review. I bought the 20/20 sound unheard and very much wanted a flexible stage which the 20/20 is from my perspective: 5 gain settings from 40db to 64 db & 5 loading setting from 100 to 47.5K ohms making it, significantly more flexible than the JC3. With my Benz Wood SL I have the 20/20 set at 52db and 475 ohms which provides very adequate gain for my system and does sound excellent; dead quiet black background, excellent tonality,staging, imaging, bass and dynamic range. The order of music types I listen to from most to least would be: Jazz; Rock & Blues; Classical. I hope this helps.