The XV-1s is far from being a top cartridge. It looks good but it is slow, dull and in general anemic. Good for very analytical Systems and for Listers who look for some "warmth". The Transfiguration W is a total different chapter, much closer to the real thing in reproduction, I think, it is among the best Trasfiguration carts ever made. The Orpheus is imo not worth the money, totally overpriced for its performance abilities and in a way it is sterile. Go for Phoenix instead when you don't like that attribute and save.
A top cartridge is the old Zyx UNIverse, I am not up to date with availability, but this one is really outstanding and works with any Arm at top level. When you look for something outstanding for small money --> Lyra Delos.
A top cartridge is the old Zyx UNIverse, I am not up to date with availability, but this one is really outstanding and works with any Arm at top level. When you look for something outstanding for small money --> Lyra Delos.