Dynavector XV-1s vs. Transfiguration Temper w

Anyone listened to these cartridges in their system. Could you discribe any differences. I have a Basis 2200 Signature w/ a Vector 4 arm and XV-1s cart. Phono pre is a Aesthetix Rhea Signature. Thanks, Greg
Syntax- I had the Lyra Delos in my system before the XV-1s and compared them for a couple weeks. The Delos was very detailed but thin sounding compared to the vx-1s. Overall not nearly as strong in the bass or natural sounding in the mid-range(vocals)and simply not as musical in my system. As I said before I would like to try another cart., but my first try w/ Lyra was not good for my ears. Thank you for you impressions of the Temper w.

I would never call the XV-1s slow, dull and anemic.

Like anything system balance is king and perhaps your choice in cartridges mirrors that balance.

Ah yes Wilson Slamms/Conrad Johnson tube amps, not exactly greased lightning, it is always a matter of perspective.
Hello Downunder,

I think that when you are referring to "system balance," you are most likely meaning "system synergies" as king. When referring to balance, there is a sense of finding an equilibrium point; hence, more of looking to a tuning mechanism to work the extremes to an acceptable midpoint.

I agree with Downunder. Slow, dull and anemic may describe the listener, but certainly not a properly functioning XV-1s.

I've owned a Lyra Helikon and it is the fastest, most transparent cartridge I've ever heard. It sounded a bit lean in my system though. The Dynavector had more dynamics and power by comparison and was a bit fuller. Certainly not as full or warm as the Orpheus though.

Again, which will sound best will depend a lot on the rest of your system. My speakers are a tad warm, so the warmth of the Orpheus would be too much warmth in my system. The Orpheus sounded very good in my friends system, but his speakers are more transparent than mine. It's all about system balance.