Aesthetix Rhea?

I was wondering if the noise issue's that I have read about on audiogon have been taken care of with current production units.
If you own one, how do you like it? and did you change the stock tubes?
love it...not noisy especially if you try not to push the gain. I have great results at 50db with a clearaudio concerto (.5mv) using a Calypso. Mine is the regular unit and is about 2 years old.
I should have added that I run my Helikon at 62 dB (whereas only 56 dB with the original tubes) and at 125 Ohms.
I had one - for a short time - some time ago. Well, the noise, yes, in my - sensitive- Speaker System everything from 60+ was more or less not useable. And the Soundstage was foggy and compressed. I used it in combination with several Line Preamps, Aesthetix, Klyne .... but at the end of day it was disappointing. Probably it will work with a low sensitive System better, but for me it was nothing to write home about.