Has anybody tried the Reed 3P?

I own the Reed 2A and have the 'Magnetic Reed' on lone which I can buy. But I am also curious about the 3P as a possible next one.

Nandric, I own a 2P 12" w/Pernambucco wand with Rhodium finish and truly enjoy it.

Have it paired up with a MYSL Ultra BC cart.

Love the look and feel of using it also.
Nandric, thanks for the suggestion. I will talk to my local Reed dealer regarding different counter weight. Actually both Air Tight and Koetsu weight quite a bit (12, 12.5g If I remember correctly) and the current counter weight supplied was barely enough so if anything, I probably could use a heavier weight.
Sutteetat, the theory is to get the counterweight as near
to the pivot as possible. The heavier weight will get nearer but, contra-intuitive, reduce the eff. mass of the arm. The practice is: it depends... (see the thread about
the Triplanar). But there is no substitution for trial while you need some tools to try out.

There are now data on the Reed website that are interpreted to mean that the Red Cedar, Pernambucco, and one other wood are the three best in terms of lowered resonance. I need to go back and look at the data again, but I do not recall that the woods were compared to alu or stainless steel. Would like to have seen such data. Nevertheless, since Vidimantas himself seems to have narrowed down his preferences, I kind of wonder why he continues to offer six different varieties. Perhaps for those who are pig-headed. Not hard to find them, either.
Dear Lew, Perhaps because they have different timbre or,as someone whose English is not his 'first' language would say, 'different timber'.
