Colibri Light Weight Gold on RS212D - wow

Just wanted to share.
Mounted Colibri LWG on RS212D today. Still can't find words (one excuse I have - I am not native English speaker:) to express the feelings, extremely full natural sound. I know they say one needs 4-12 grams eff mass arm, but I am using Ortofon LH-8000 headshell which helps in this direction a little bit I guess.
Just wonder if anybody could compare Colibri XGP with the LightWeightGold, what the impressions were (would be interested to know about the setup as well).
Dear Anatoliy,
The "X" means "extented" body. The first production of Colibries were 2.5-3.5 gr and their output was 0.15-0.22mV
One day VDH himself decided to alter the meaning of the "X" and explained as the way the coils are fixed to the cantilever. It is true that soon after the appearing of the first production of Colibrie(s) named as "The Kolibrie", VDH has decide to elevate the weight at 7.5 gr for wider compatibility and to change the rectangular in favor for the cross former upon which the coils are winded. The rectangular former gives more dynamics but the cross shape offers more nuance as it is more sensitive to the imbalances of the cantilever. About the "Low Weight" Vs "XGP" : Among the 7 samples that have passed in my system, my own favorit is the "Low Weight" with Copper coils 0.15mV followed by the "XPP" with Platinum coils 0.22mV. Both of them have had the cross shaped coil winding. I admit my general preferance for the LW body and Copper coils of the lowest output. I think that everything is possible with VDH and you can order whatever you can ever imagine, but I advise you to avoid the Neodymium magnets, the Wood bodies, the Gold coils and especially the output over 0.36mV. Do not worry about the weight and compliance compatibility of your arm (and the dynamic balance is a very rare & welcome feature). This beast is phenomenal and even a little taste of it's performance abilities is enough to put most other top hi-end competitors in the dust.
Hello from France,i should want to know how the collibri sing on less than perfect discs? Thanks.
Dear Geoch: I agree and compart your Colibri opinion about that low weight/output cooper coils model that I own. Even that I had not the opportunity to hear the Platinum one for me the cooper one is not only the best VDH ever but a true challenge to any other LOMC out there and very good tracker.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Dear Geoch, thank you for the response.
Mine is 0.28 mV, gold coils. I purchased it following Raul's advise and I can say I don't, even with my well under avg setup the little beast shows remarkable.
I yet have to listen for a few weeks, I need to find what sounds best with original Ortofon counterweight and headshells that I have at my disposal, I tried both Ortofon LH-8000 (wood, 8.5 gr) and LH-9000 (16.8 gr, carbon). The light one was the reflection of my reasoning to come up with the lightest arm possible. Though with the light headshell I have to position the counterweight almost touching the pivot.
I am going to try Colibri on Sumiko MDC800, I just need to rewire the arm, I am planning to put the C37 Finewire internal in there or even go to the pre-amp with that. My weight on the Sumiko is 'H' though which may be a little to heavy.
By the way if you don't mind - what arm did you use with Colibri? And what wiring in the arm?
To Gilles130 - didn't observe any mistracking yet, but yet need to find best VTA.