Who listens only to vinyl?

WHY, and what turntable set-up are you choosing to live with?
(This is NOT a vinyl versus digital thread, it's a lifestyle thread!)

Recently, I'm heading in this direction, mostly I think because I have never invested enough attention and money to bring up digital listening into the pleasure zone. I also like messing around with record cleaning and arms and cartridges, and worrying whether my TT belt needs replacing. And the sound of course!

If you are one of these vinyl-only people, how did you get there, and how do you feel about living with restricted access to a lot of newer recordings, both classical and other genres? Is it an issue for you?

[Pro-ject 2 Xperience with Shure v15 type IV-JICO SAS stylus]
It's a really good point.....that chasing vinyl can open one up to previously unknown musical riches and encourages whimsical exploration.

My discoveries: original Fifties mono vocal jazz recordings on the Bethlehem label, and most of Bruno Walter's Bruckner (60 cent thrift store purchases with Senior discount).
I have also come across some oddball records of wonderful interest such as Louis Prima's "The Wildest Show at Tahoe", which I never would have found in any other way.

If I read Gramophone magazine, I sometimes feel like the music world is passing me by, that is until I cruise my local vinyl store and (always) find great music.
I would say my listening is about 75% to vinyl, 25% to digital. There is now a ton of music that is only available digitally, and I also usually have to listen to digital when I am listening to my own orchestra, as that is how we are recorded.
I listen only to vinyl at home. On travel on in the car the only option is digital, as you know....
I really enjoy the never ending fiddling and tweaking associated with vinyl, because you can never get it perfect. There is always something to do or re-do; when you listen to other crazys' like us and have to try out a new or potential solution, which might even cause your vinyl rig to sound worse. My $0.02 worth !!!!
I am not sure one can really be considered to be the truest of music lovers when a vinyl only platform requires one to ignore the vast majority by far of music made in last 20 yrs. I have both and both have strengthes and unarguable weakness, like others noted the disc is supreme for ease, vinyl has a coolness of routine that gives a greater emotional connection for me when I am in that mood.