Am I the only one?

I have tried to sell one piece of equipment on audiogon. It has been up for a month, and just shortly I renewed my ad because it did not sell. My question is: how many people have had a buyer back out at the last minute? I only ask because this has happened to me three times while selling this one particular piece. It makes me question whether the audiogon buyers are really interested in things, or just want more information about products. The excuse from each buyer was the same. A situation arose, and they were not able to (at the last minute) not able to make the transaction. I get pretty bent out of shape when people say they are interested, ask me to take the time to figure out shipping to their area, and then say something has come up and they can't buy. Anyone else with this situation, or is it just me? What should I do about it?
Karls (and others), a point of order - feedback can NOT be posted unless a transaction takes place and money/gear changes hands. Audiogon rules. (Surprised CFB didnt' catch this!) Simply having people back out of a verbal or written committment to buy or sell a piece does not allow for posting of feedback. FWIW,

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Had to laugh. I went after the same tuner as John on Sunday night and never got a reply. Now i know why : ) Sean
Viridian brings up an interesting point. I guess I just assumed that someone inquiring about a product would know about it. I can't imagine someone being interested in a kilobuck amplifier without knowing anything about high end audio. We have to admit, this is a prretty specialized hobby. I know there will be newbies that show up all the time, and that's great. Those people usually get hooked and add more to our population. However, I guess I just thought they would start out with a really small system just to get their feet wet.