Phono recommendations for Koetsu

I'm purchasing a Koetsu Rosewood (standard). This will mean either a new phono to support a MC or some type of step-up or head amp to go with my EAR 834P. My dealer recommends a step-up, Audio Note S2 to be specific, rather than a new upgraded phono stage, which surprised me. I'm wondering what others might think who have a Koetsu and/or have gone a similar route.

Jaffeassc, you say knowing the price of Audio Note gear....... Do you know the "real" price? You would be shocked at what a distributor actaully buys it for and the mark-up!
Knowing the "real" price of anything audio would I'm sure make me feel a little ill. But isn't that true of most items, audio or otherwise. Everybody's gotta make a living.
I have always believed that the best bang for the buck in SUTs must be those made by Jensen in Southern California. Those guys really understand transformers. They offer guidance, and they make a few different models suitable for cartridges with different electrical parameters. Audiophiles don't pay much attention to Jensen, however.
A lot of good recommendations for SUTs. I agree with Lewm that Jensen makes terrific SUTs. I've heard a number of impressive tube phonostages where Jensens were on the front end.

I sort of disagree with the generalization made about the Audionote transformers being overpriced. Audionote's lower line transformers sound quite good and are competitively priced. Like most of the rest of the Audionote line, one pays dearly when moving up the line; the premium stuff sounds better, but, costs MUCH more for comparatively small increments of gain.
Larry, thanks for the vote of confidence on the AN "lower line" transformers. I'm not really prepared to spend more than $1k or so just getting into SUT's. I recently listened to the S8 paired with the M8, AN MC cartridge, and "big" AN table. Not sure which AN amps they were going through. AN E silver sig. speakers, i think. Very impressive.