The Best Way to Clean Records

Your search is over - here's a guy who knows about vinyl cleaning. After all, he owns a record store, so he must know. Check it out.
Holy Toledo, can't imagine what chemicals and solvents are eating away at his vinyl and stylus.
First of all with the Disc Washer system one does not stream a flow of fluid on the leading edge of the brush. One drops across the leading edge 3-4 drops then using the butt of the bottle to spread the drops out. This keeps the D-4 brush from being too damp. You then run the leading edge of the brush for a few seconds over the record and then slowly rotate the brush back to dry the record off.

Also and sadly the newer (RCA era) Discwasher's are crap because they use only simple corduroy as a material and not the directional fibre pads of the older (black) coloured brushes.
Just another good example of why you should clean your used records before you play them. Who knows what crazy thing someone applied to them before you got them.

Hope he's not cleaning them before he sells them.