Need help fixing a Linn Axis

Does anybody know of Linn Master Tech who can repair old Linn TTs? I'm the original owner of a stock Linn Axis table with Linn Basik LVX tonearm.
The problem is the belt and capstan are no longer aligned resulting in off-speed play and the belt coming off. I have taken it to my local HiFi shop and they have aligned it twice, but this problem is beyond their scope. I can see the capstan is not in proper position. I'd also like a complete inspection of the caps, motor, etc.
If there's an expert (who also has access to parts) I would greatly appreciate a referral. (US only).
Go to Linn's website and look at their list of US dealers. Find a dealer close to your location. Avoid shipping if at possible.
Brf, I would love to avoid shipping, but the local dealer has tried to fix it twice.
Mofimadness... thanks for the referral. Spoke to Rick and he will look at it, but said it's only worth fixing if it's a simple fix. Said it may have reached it's lifespan.
I'm really attached to this TT as it's been left stock and is in mint cond.