Need help fixing a Linn Axis

Does anybody know of Linn Master Tech who can repair old Linn TTs? I'm the original owner of a stock Linn Axis table with Linn Basik LVX tonearm.
The problem is the belt and capstan are no longer aligned resulting in off-speed play and the belt coming off. I have taken it to my local HiFi shop and they have aligned it twice, but this problem is beyond their scope. I can see the capstan is not in proper position. I'd also like a complete inspection of the caps, motor, etc.
If there's an expert (who also has access to parts) I would greatly appreciate a referral. (US only).
Thank you to the Linn lovers for some good advice. I'm shipping my unit to Rick. Still have the original double-box.
UPDATE... Many thanks to Mofimadness for the referral to Rick at Audio Alternatives. He replaced a bent pulley spindle and added new caps. I'm amazed he had the parts.
You're welcome. Rick does excellent work on Linn turntables and has been doing such, since like 1978. He has quite a large surplus of parts I'm sure.

I'm glad things worked out for you!
The guru of LP12 and AXIS circuit board rebuild is Stan Zeiden at Shelleys Stereo in LA. He does more than repair but upgrades the circuit. He rebuilt my AXIS board and upgraded the fragile 400V rectifier to 1000V 1.5A. He gets LP12 and AXIS boards from all over the world.
Warning to Axis owners , get the rebuild on board asap ! Mine would start on its own and then finally died . I parted it out sadly , but would not buy again.