Soundsmith Straingauge SG-200 cartridge system

Hi everyone, haven't heard much discussion of this one in a while. I'm just starting to run a direct rim drive Trans Fi Salvation tt sporting a Trans Fi Terminator air bearing linear tracking arm. It's a total game changer imho, but I fear the Zu modded Denon 103 cart on it, excellent as it is, may have performance bettered by something more SOTA. I'm looking for something to match the tt/arm's neutrality, solidity and eveness, and am drawn to the Straingauge. Reviews praise it's speed and naturalness, but some comments are more guarded commenting on tonal thinness, edginess and overanalytic quality.
If it helps I hate over sharp carts like Lyra Skala, are more comfortable with neutral carts like the Transfiguration Orpheus, and feel the humble Zu 103 is a giant killer in the rhythmn/timing/involvment stakes.
So comments please from those who have experience of the Straingauge, thank you.
Tobes, I'm more and more going to give consideration to the Soundsmith OCL ruby cantilever upgrade to my existing Zu 103. The only thing that is concerning me is that there is a VERY large caveat on their website that a fair number of carts don't survive the transformation. This doesn't exactly fill me with confidence, and at present don't have a spare.
Spiritofmusic, my success rate is 100% - I've sent two 103R cartridges to Soundsmith for the ruby/OCL retip - the second is on its way back to me at the moment (so I have a spare).

I think Peter would have the 103 rebuild down to a fine art, since this would likely be his most requested retip(?).
I guess there is always some risk with 'surgery' on such a delicate piece of equipment. I can't recall reading of any failures in the forums, but I suppose it happens.

Worth the small risk IMO, but only you can make that call.

Don't let me talk you out of the SG either - everything I've read indicates its an amazing product. But if you like the stock 103, I think you'll be astonished at what the SS retip achieves.
Tobes, just a few qs. Do you choose the ultra damped compliance option? I believe this reduces the VTF needed from 2.5g to 1.7g. How would this affect performance? Have you considered going for the Silver or Gold 103 ultimate upgrades (I believe these may be the ones prone to poss damage). My Zu 103 is potted in their aluminium case, does this still make a good candidate for the retipping/ocl operation?
This certainly is an interesting way to go, if only for the $ value point of view.
Thanks so much for your continued help, Marc.

Here are alternatives that will work well on the Trans-Fi and set a high bar for comparison to some of the top new-production cartridges. It is catch-as-catch-can with vintage.

See Stanton 981LZS at:

The low.3mV output of 981LZS requires a high-gain phono stage, preferably without step-up transformers. IME this is near the top of the heap.

Recommendation: buy the Astatic MF-300 off eBay and send it to Alex at pick-upaalden for a re-tip. This will take it to the performance level of the top MF-100 model.
Choosing a Denon 103 over an Orpheus. There really is no understanding what other people hear.