Looking for a $500 or so phono preamp -- BC23 ?

Hi, how would a used Blue Circle BC23 stack up against some of the newer phono preamps Graham Slee, Edwards Audio or Project (Tube Box II?).
What would you buy on that budget ? Any suggestions ? I'm all EARs (yes, lousy pun intended).
Thanks in advance.
Musical Surroundings Phonomena I or II, they are both very good (but getthe II if you can) and can be found used.
I paid around $500 for a Jasmine through Ebay-China. I made a slight modification on the output capacitors and I am extremely pleased with the sound. I use a Denon DL-S1 LOMC.

I have the Camelot Technologies Lancelot phono preamp that retails for $1,200 or more these days I believe. It's a battery operated, dual mono, passive RIAA, and accommodates both MM and MC cartridges. Fremer loved it when he reviewed it a few years back. I think it's a fantastic value for the money. It killed the Phonomena II in my system when I was auditioning for a new preamp. I just got a new phono preamp and would let you have the Lancelot for more or less what you're looking to spend, if you're interested. Mel Shilling custom configured it for me. Mel is a great guy and stands behind his product.