I guess I'm one of those "snipers" that many of you seem to hate. I actually prefer sniping, to me it's the gentleman's way to bidding. It reduces the slow overtime "slug fest" in my opinion. Everyone gets a fair shot to place in one punch (or maybe two? I usually can) just before the auction ends. It's interesting to see who'll "go out on a limb" and proxy with the highest price. Exciting. Plus it helps keep the price down, since most of the activity is confined to the last few minutes (or seconds!). Overtime slug fests, just drive the price up. (from what I've seen). Wall flowers, like youself just love to bid and bid, driving the price up. I like to "limit" that wallflower factor. Keeps the price lower.
And as for the comment about just place your highest bid at the start, and stop with this sniping foolishness!. Ugh. That's the worth thing you can do. Nothing is sillier than the current bid aready at full MSRP with FOUR FULL DAYS LEFT in the auction. Yuck. I'm not made of money. I enjoy "esniping" those of you who are too conversvative to initally bid you full amount. I'd rather play a mental game with you than try to match muscle (read: money). Since I'm sure some of you gross much more than I do. It levels the playing field. Again, only seems to be a big deal to the wallflowers.
And as always, the highest bid wins. It doesn't matter if it was during the first 2 seconds, or the last two. If you lose, then someone wanted to pay more than you, plain and simple. Question: How is holding out your bid until the last few days or hours that much better than the sniper who uses the last few seconds? It's just about the same idea. In both cases you're trying to refrain from raising the price too early. The wallflowers, again show their clumsiness by still bidding too early.
It's just that we'll have to agree to disagree. You view my tactics are cruel, dirty, and underhanded. I view yours as slow, clumsy, and anachronistic. And not to draw an inappropriate parallels, but I think initially guerrilla warfare was treated with the same disdain. Executed properly it is quite elegant and a sight to behold. I've always been a fan of [SURPRISE] THEM, then hit then swift and HARD!!
Generally, if you can knock a (wo)man off balance, you are probably an order of magnitude more likely to kill them with your next blow - then had you not done so.
(If only I could make my posts as "swift and hard" as I preach, LOL. Then we might truly have something!!)
...from the desk of a known sniper.