Need an inexpensive phono stage

I know little about the world of vinyl but I'm looking to add a turntable to my current audio system which consists of a Peachtree Nova and OHM Walsh Microtalls. Is there a versatile sub-$150 phono stage I can get to use with the Nova and any inexpensive turntable?

Rolfs, (Bellari), for less than 100 bucks!!! It was matched to a Luxman PX 100 with a Clearaudio Classic Aurum cartdrige, played through an NAD C375BEE integrated amplifier ... that's before the Lux CA combo found their way into a vintage system ... sounded awesome!!! Rolfs, (Bellari) entry level kicks butt!!!
If you're handy with a soldering iron the Hagerman Bugle would be very hard to beat for that sort of money.
Thanks for the responses! At this point I'll either pick up a Musical Fidelity V-LPS or Bellari, depending on which I stumble on first used. The Bellari VP129 looks really interesting to me, I think I'd go for that one.
I had the Bellari, and have a V-LPS. The V-LPS is so much better, and totally trouble free - which you can't say about the Bellari. The V-LPS is also switchable between MM and MC.