Practicality of footers to isolate turntables.

Hallo everyone. I've just acquired my most recent tt/arm upgrade, and it's a keeper for life. As with all things audio, it's now time to tweak.
I've been getting into the concept of footers to isolate and drain unwanted vibrations, and Equarack stuff fits my budget nicely (Wave Kinetics/Magico just too pricey). However I can't see how the concept works with a tt that has a separate motor pod, surely there are balance issues for a start that don't apply to large boxes like amps etc.
My tt has three spiked feet which obv. can accommodate a footer each, but the motor pod is separate, triangular in plan, 5"-6" each side with slightly assymetric weight distribution.
Any solutions to this conundrum?
If you use a Minus K or Vibraplane I don't see the separate motor being a problem at all as long as there is plenty of surface area. With footers you sometimes wind up with platter too high unless you also raise the motor. I have used Stillpoints in the past to good effect, but either of those two products I mention will be far ahead of even Stillpoints.
I would recommend the Minus K or Vibraplane. I believe with teh Minus K, the object being placed on it needs to be centered for proper balancing and isolation. This is not an issue with Vibraplane.

The Vibraplane took my unsuspended table to a whole new level. I still have it under my new suspended table, but I plan to remove to see if the added isolation actually makes a difference with a turntable that already has great isolation.

You can find used Vibraplanes on Ebay.
Big Brass footers from EdenSound spiked into a very thick maple board will do it. Have Edensound make a platform for your motor and put it on the board too. Vibration will be minimalized.
For an unsuspended table with an outboard motor, put the entire assembly on top of a single thick maple butcher block and elevate the butcher block from the rack with 5-6 soft industrial springs. Clamp your stock footers tightly up against the TT plinth to improve coupling down into the butcher block. The springs below the butcher block will provide decoupling, and can be easily moved around to level the turntable and air bearing toneaarm. I have a similar set-up with a VPI TNT and outboard motor and flywheel. The springs are clustered to deal with the lop-sided weight distribution. $200 does it and you won't look back.
HI Peter,

I hear the Vibraplane is way better than the sandboxes some of us use. That is a good point about centering the mass on a spring-based system. I suppose there are more trade-offs between the Minus K and Vibraplane that you may have found while deciding which way to go. While I appreciate the quality of the pump supplied with the ELpF, I also like the idea of being untethered.