David Shreve, located in southern California, is still around after all these years and repairs and modifies these tonearms. Feel free to email me for his contact info. Brian @
Essential&Mosin, Is David 'the watchmaker' who used ruby bearings for the Rabco and moded the armwand? In the 80is or even before? The Rabco was/is very popular in Holland but the aim by modifications was to make the arm lighter (aka MM carts). So, among other, the balsa wood was used for the armwand.
I owned a Rabco for some time. I set it up with a carbon fiber arm wand, and developed a servo for the motor that actually worked. It prevented the arm from lifting off prematurely, skipping and also got rid of the servo activation noise.
The servo was rather simple. I built it up on a little circuit board and hid it inside the motor/battery box. As long as the contact resistance was below 1 megohm it worked fine. That made the arm a *lot* easier to live with!
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