Rabco SL-8E Tone Arm

Do anyone know of parts available for a Rabco SL8 or SL8-E? Or, one for sale?
Nandric: Yes, this is the same person. As Mosin said, David's one of the good guys. It's a privilege to know him.
Dear Lew, You are obviously in 'logical' trouble except if
Herb Papier had an alias : David Shreve.
I now recollect that the Rabco story started before 70is.
Back then my scholarship was $250 per month while the Rabco
price was the 'astronomical' $1000. I wanted then to know everything about this 'wonder' and think that I dreamed about owning one more than about any girl that I can remember. To get the 'right picture' think about your dreams about the sport cars in your student time.
The 'upgrade sickness' started direct after the introduction and I wanted to know everything about any of those while still dreaming about owning one. But my imaginary Rabco upgrade should be done by this American watchmaker who used ruby bearings for the purpose. I have read somewhere about this upgrade and was impressed with
the jewels which to my knowledge were only used in expensive Swiss watches. This was my association when Essential and Mosin mentioned David.

****I wanted then to know everything about this 'wonder' and think that I dreamed about owning one more than about any girl that I can remember.**** - Nandric

Of course, that depends on how difficult it is to find the correct VTA for each. If you can find the "sweet spot", then all bets are off ;-)
Nandric, if Herb Papier had something to do with Rabco, I stand corrected. In any event David Shreve would probably know. Meanwhile, he has replied to Kisawyer and myself, so there's a very good chance Kisawyer will have his arm back up and running again soon, I'm happy to say.
Dear Essential..., I am really glad for Kisawyer. He also
got the pictures of my Rabco spares so he can complete his
Rabco. I hope however that David invented some other kind
of armwand than those balsa wood kinds. Some Aussie proved
(?) that this obsession with the arm weight was badly founded by using his FR-66s for all of his MM carts. I have no idea what Copernicus has to do with the cart compliance but at present physics become a kind of branch of astronomy so who knows?
Anyway I myself would use the FR-66 only to defend myself
(Hi Raul). But my own question about those ruby bearings is still in need for some answer so Lew may be, as usual, right.Herb deed it again?

Frogman, In those times when we were young the girls were, so to speak, for free while any tonearm whatever was not so your VTA analogy looks to me problematic.
