Dear Essential..., I am really glad for Kisawyer. He also
got the pictures of my Rabco spares so he can complete his
Rabco. I hope however that David invented some other kind
of armwand than those balsa wood kinds. Some Aussie proved
(?) that this obsession with the arm weight was badly founded by using his FR-66s for all of his MM carts. I have no idea what Copernicus has to do with the cart compliance but at present physics become a kind of branch of astronomy so who knows?
Anyway I myself would use the FR-66 only to defend myself
(Hi Raul). But my own question about those ruby bearings is still in need for some answer so Lew may be, as usual, right.Herb deed it again?
Frogman, In those times when we were young the girls were, so to speak, for free while any tonearm whatever was not so your VTA analogy looks to me problematic.