Rabco SL-8E Tone Arm

Do anyone know of parts available for a Rabco SL8 or SL8-E? Or, one for sale?
If I remember correctly in 'the early 80s ' this combo was already available in the second hand market. That is why I could afford the 'treasure'. For about 3 months I was more interested in playing with the Rabco than playing the music. But, as is the case with this hobby, after some time I wanted something better and got the Goldmund . The 'early euphoria' transfomed then in a nightmare such that ever since I never bought something else then the pivoted tonearms.
Oldears, Just saw your post. I will get back to you in a week or so. I believe I may have a chance to purchase one in the works.
Everything still works, the lateral servo with chain drive, the lift/lower motor, rca to cartridge clip continuity etc. As I remember, it should not be used with a low output, low compliance moving coil, due to the low tonearm mass and servo servo motor noise, but worked fine with a high compliance, high output moving magnet. There is a sensitive adjustment for the fixed post which touches a first wire to turn on/off the motor for the lateral drive, and when when a rapid large displacement (runout gooves) occurs, it touches a second wire which activated the lift motor.
Oldears, you can eliminate the servo noise by updating the servo! Its not hard...
The thing is, in reality the Rabco is a pivoted tonearm, not really a pure SL type, because it must pivot in order to activate its servo. Once this was pointed out to me, I lost my mojo for it. Never owned one.