HELP from Down Under (Australia)

While I was at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) in Las Vegas this week, I heard a CD being played in one of the sound rooms in Alexis Park. It is an Australian label and I cannot locate it on any USA music searches. Here is the all the info I have. It was crazy and I could not get anymore info. Any of you Aussies out there... I sure would like some help as this CD sounded great!!! I will be sure to make it up to you if you could hook me up.

CD title - "The Sum of Us"
CD case cover - Yellow / Orange
Song Track - It was one originally done by "Sting". I can remember it's name
CD Artist - ????

This is all I have to work with Thanks
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I FOUND IT!!!! (as well as ordered it)

Use the below link... it is a great album!

Group: "The Idea of North".
Go to
Album:The Sum of Us

Thanks all!