Stringreen ... take this anecdote with a grain of salt.
When the Soundsmith VPI Zephyr was my primary cartridge, Peter Ledermann routinely checked the it and replaced worn stylii on a period basis. On a few occassions, Peter reported back that the stylus wear pattern was uneven, which suggested that I needed a smidge of AS.
Not having any instruments, I put just one donut about 3/4 the way down the AS device, which as you probably know is a teeny-tiny amount of counter weight. Seems like the stylus wear issue corrected itself. Does the music sound better. Haven't a clue ... don't think so.
I suppose the epilogue to the tale is that I've since upgraded the Zephyr to the Lyra Kleos. Andy Chong Kim of the Needle Clinic recently looked it over and reported back that stylus wear is even.
Go figure.
When the Soundsmith VPI Zephyr was my primary cartridge, Peter Ledermann routinely checked the it and replaced worn stylii on a period basis. On a few occassions, Peter reported back that the stylus wear pattern was uneven, which suggested that I needed a smidge of AS.
Not having any instruments, I put just one donut about 3/4 the way down the AS device, which as you probably know is a teeny-tiny amount of counter weight. Seems like the stylus wear issue corrected itself. Does the music sound better. Haven't a clue ... don't think so.
I suppose the epilogue to the tale is that I've since upgraded the Zephyr to the Lyra Kleos. Andy Chong Kim of the Needle Clinic recently looked it over and reported back that stylus wear is even.
Go figure.