Asr basis exclusive or naim superline+hicap2

Well i cannot find a chance to demo both these phono pre. I really like to know your opinions about these two phono pre's. I found asr in second hand with a fair price. Two pre is nearly at same price level for me.

My system,

Project extension turntable
Ortofon cadenze red cartridge
Audioquest leopard phono cable
Asr emitter 1 Blue version
Ear acite cd player
Audioquest sky interconnects
Audioquest volcano speaker cable
Just by chance I have a Naim Superline with Teddy Pardo Supercap and a Basis Exclusive. Both are GREAT; which is better depends on your system and taste. As it happens I am selling the Naim to my friend Tricon_dave as it is a great match for his Wilson Sasha. Transparency, pace, bass power and definition are exceptional. The ASR is more laid back but yet also has very good bass and transparency. I use Spendor or GamuT speakers and I find that it is a very good match with them. I don't think you can go wrong with either. Actually, which sounds better can depend on which LP you are listening to; when I compared them on my system [it is listed in virtual systems] one would sound better on one disc and the other on the next. If ultimate definition and transparency is your goal I would go with the Naim; if you like a little more relaxed and "musical" sound the ASR.
I think it depends on which ASR you get. If you grab an older 2006 model I think you are looking at the best of both worlds. I finally got to listen to the gold board vs my blue 2006 and I understand what the distributor means when he says it's more of a vintage sound. I think that you get more of the tactile instrument touching as well as a wonderful rendering of the the room that the music was recorded in. Air and warmth. It's really a wonderful sounding unit. I haven't heard the Naim in my system so comments would be useless. All I know is that a friend who has regular access to about 12 of the top units (a recording industry executive) prefers the ASR to anything until you get up to the Burmeister, Boulder, Constellation stratosphere. I'm surprised you can't find a Naim to demo. Those dealers are usually super accommodating. Nice thing about buying an ASR used at a good price is that you can always re-sell it.
Avoid the Basis from 2005 (HP review in TAS) and 2008/9
which is without the MM input. I owned both. The best place
to buy any ASR second hand is Germany (
For transport remove the batteries. One can get those everywhere via internet.
Mine is a 2006. Only thing is that power supply is HEAVY and the umbilical cord connecting the unit and PS looks like it came off a WW2 battleship. I suppose these things contribute to the sound quality; it is overbuilt to say the least. It looks like it could eat my Metrum Octave dac for a snack.
Dear Stanwal, I own 4 of those : 2x transformers for the
Emitter II and two battery packs ; one for the Basis,the
other for the 'pre' in the Emitter. All togheter I call
'the German artillery'. In legal terms: real estate.