Asr basis exclusive or naim superline+hicap2

Well i cannot find a chance to demo both these phono pre. I really like to know your opinions about these two phono pre's. I found asr in second hand with a fair price. Two pre is nearly at same price level for me.

My system,

Project extension turntable
Ortofon cadenze red cartridge
Audioquest leopard phono cable
Asr emitter 1 Blue version
Ear acite cd player
Audioquest sky interconnects
Audioquest volcano speaker cable
I ended with ASR. Two arm option made me buy it. No regrets for a now. Very good sounding phono pre.
It only get better! I leave mine in the Line position when I'm not playing it and switch to battery when I listen. Distributor agreed that keeping it powered up all the time is good but I hadn't really tested it until power went out at my house for a day and when I turned it back on, took a few days before it sounded as good again. It was really interesting because I was complaining that the power outage hurt something somewhere and my wife came over and listened for a bit. She said "It sounds good, but it doesn't sound special." I was special again in a few days. It's a really nice way to describe the ASR sound.
Hi Dhcod,

I really wonder which phono cables and interconnect you ever tried with asr, and also i would like to know if you are using xlr phono cable, and what are the difference with rca ones. Also last thing, i like what i am getting now, but i think vocals are coming from a little bit back, is this the character of asr or ?
Altanpsx, I use the phono cables as provided by Triplanar VII and the Reed (2A). For my SCDA (Sony XA 5400 ES) the 'Silent wire' silver interconnect. From a technician
by ASR I got the advice to use the RCA out when using XLR in.
FWIW I got the same advice. I went with the Furutech AG12 Balanced XLR Phono Cable from my Moerch arm but I use RCA outs on the Basis.