Asr basis exclusive or naim superline+hicap2

Well i cannot find a chance to demo both these phono pre. I really like to know your opinions about these two phono pre's. I found asr in second hand with a fair price. Two pre is nearly at same price level for me.

My system,

Project extension turntable
Ortofon cadenze red cartridge
Audioquest leopard phono cable
Asr emitter 1 Blue version
Ear acite cd player
Audioquest sky interconnects
Audioquest volcano speaker cable
The arm leads from the Rega 1000 are hard wired to give a direct signal path from the cartridge clips to the RCAs; that is no intervening DIN plugs etc. I use a 2006 ASR; some have found it better than the new one but I neither know nor care which is better; mine does the job for me. I have sold the Naim to a friend; both worked very well on mine but the Naim was outstanding on his. I am getting a passive to try and it lacks [Horrors!] a remote so I will actually have to walk over to the system to begin so having to turn from current to battery should become automatic (I hope).
Stanwal, if you are going to a passive, please try the Lightspeed. I have a custom LIghtspeed LDR-type preamp built by someone with Georges blessing. I can't describe the difference between it and the passives I tried, except to say it's just not there. Completely transparent. I compared it straight up most recently to the Dodd Audio Battery Tube Buffer passive and mine killed the Dodd, which still sounded great, but there something about those LDRs.
I am getting a Townshend Allegri; already ordered. I have used several passives and have a couple of good ones now but I felt that the transformer coupled ones were the way I wanted to go.