"Harder" cartridge recomendation

After some time with EMT TSD15SPH, which is basically my first serious cart (along with it's EMT930 platform and 929 arm), I comeback to the question of finding something faster, "harder", more transparent perhaps but I do like "bigger sound". I'm mounting a second arm on 930: SME3012R and I'm looking for a fast cart in 1-1.2kEU range. Phono is a diy 834 with Tribute nano crystal SUT's.

I've been looking at SPU Royal N, but IIRC EMT somehow derives from the SPU family, so it may or may not be what I have in mind.

Any opinions? Thanks,
Nandric, I think you are very much off the topic of the current thread and I have no idea what made you start this personal attack. Perhaps you should think about your very self?
I group the Q's which popped up within the thread, perhaps there is somebody who may know something, unlike you obviously:

--how does one recognize that a given FR7 specimen is within it's specs, not being familiar with FR7 sound?
--does FR7 match SME3012R?
--what would be aright price for a good FR7?
--how does SPU and TSD families relate sonically, esp. Royal N vs. TSD15SPH, if anything is known?

If they are self-serving "contra Q's for each Q" or "peculiar", I leave to judge the others.

Ahh, and thank you very much for your advice with using Ebay & Paypal...indeed ingenious!

BTW The person I mentioned started his PM with the quoted statement. I did not ask him any hard Q's nor actually wanted to. I've found this behavior sort of bizzare, but I do not care...everybody has his/her own style.

Pani, not at all: my topis is general as it's stated in the 1st post. I'd be somewhat interested in those sonic impressions too.
Bydlo, You get advice for free but you think that you can
demand the answers according to your own preference. Like
the public 'servant' I already mentioned. You can ,you know what...
Dear Nandric, I have no idea what makes so angry and why you insist on deviating from the subject. I do not "demand" anything, I'm simply curious. If there are no answers to my Q's, ok, no problem, it means there are some gaps in the common pool.
If you feel that I should kiss your ... for you generously posting in this thread, then thank you very much and maybe do not post?
Byldo, by 'deviating from the subject' you of course mean as deviating from the subject as teterminated by you which means for me: I rest my case.