ok to break in phono preamp w/ non lp source?

I just got a brand new Vincent Pho-8 phono preamp. I would like to break it in using my Linn Classik since I can leave it on without changing records and my turntable is in the shop until next week (unexpected delay, sigh). Would it be ok to have my Linn Classik set on the tuner and use either the tape out or preamp out (set to low volume) running right to my Vincent phono preamp? Some people have spoke of reverse RIAA filters but hopefully that is not needed.
Granite Audio make MM and MC phono burn-in discs for exactly this purpose. I'm not sure if there's a risk in doing it the way you propose.
Phono preamps are not designed to accept line level signals. Line level signals are in volts while phono level signals are in millivolts. Whether the difference will actually damage your phono pre depends upon the design. Do you feel lucky?
With the investment you have in Vincent and Linn Classic you should opt for one of these.

They work superbly, I have one and it's saved me countless hours while greatly improving performance.


It's only $79.95 and for top performance you can reinsert and burn in a couple of times a year.