Does mfg's name/model affect your opinion of sound

Many years ago a local audio store (RIP) demoed several tube amps & pre-amps. Some were McIntosh, some were Audio Research, etc. all high end and expensive.

I couldn't help but think that the McIntosh to be "better" sounding than the others since it had the highest price tag and the sexiest front panel design (compare them with their original front panel: ugly!).

I naively assumed the reason they are so expensive is because they must sound better.

Having over 40 years of tube experience, I now judge them purely on the merits of sound as I perceive it.

Does the brand name and price of equipment influences your hearing judgement and buying decision?

Eg: more expensive, therefore must be better.

How many of us have the luxury of listening to a blind test and just hear the music without knowing who made the equipment?
Post removed 
I think the influence of model number is even more important. Audiophiles are willing to spend $1,000s just because it says "Mk II", "Reference" or "Signature". Audiophiles are willing to spend $10,000s if it says "Anniversary".

Or Art For The Ear (Burmester) but some say it is Fart For ... in reality?
Just a rumor imo....