Hi pitched hum from TT pre-amp?


I have a Sonic Frontiers SFP-1 pre-amp. My rig is a Scoutmaster table and a Benz Micro Glider (MC). While playing a record last night, between songs I heard a relatively hi-pitched tone; probably a bit below the 1 Kilohertz frequency (test tone). I gently tapped the top of the TT pre-amp and the tone stopped! The pre-amp contains 4 tubes; two Sovtek 6922's and two 12AT7A's. Do you think I have a tube on its way out?

Any feedback would be welcomed.
If its a loose tube you will get a crackle and possible loss of signal. OTOH a microphonic tube can 'sing' (whistle, whatever you want to call it) and often responds or stops when tapped or subjected to vibration. Such tubes won't sound their best either.
Thanks Lewm and Atmasphere. I'm going to take a look under the "hood" this weekend. And, actually, I was playing an LP last night, and it sounded muddy and a bit compacted and boomy. So, something is going on.