TW Raven Owners: Set Up Questions

Through the magic of sweet talk, I turned my Orbe into a Raven and mounted my Graham 2.2/Benz LP.
I am looking for a isolation base for the Raven. I have a 1 3/8" piece of granite coming soon so I can ditch the MDF I use now (a temp. meas.!) Symposium, SRA, HRS, etc., can anyone share their experiences with isolation bases? I saw the thread about loosening the Stillpoints.
Initially I had an issue with using the rough side of belt. The belt shimmied up/down on the pulley at a specific spot on belt. Also, the speed fluctuated and I could never get it dialed in with the PSU. So, I went to the smooth side of the belt and then raising the back side of the motor (unscrewing one of the isolation feet) slightly moving the belt down from "center" on the pulley. This moved me from 33.2 to 33.3 and I have no more belt shimmying and the speed is rock solid.
I'd appreciate any tips/tricks etc.
Another question- When people mention leaving the Stillpoints slightly loose, is that at the top where they connect to the TT or at the bottom for leveling?
Gerardff, regarding Stillpoint setup : the answer is both.
You should be able to see 2 small gaps, one between Stillpoint body and T/T, and one between body and the bottom section.
I believe it is supposed to help decoupling.

An additional note is the gaps should be as small as possible without risking random contact (about 1/2 turn ??)
With a heavy turntable like this it's quite an awkward process to get the levelling and gaps correct without subjecting the tonearm bearings (or main bearing for that matter) to excessive shock. Might make sense to remove arm+board first, then re-check afterwards?
Hope this is helpful :)
I wonder if anyone knows the weight of Rave AC-1? I could not find it anywhere and can't find it on TW website either. One review mentioned that AC-3 is 70 kg. I email TW and asked about weight of AC-1 and total weight if I upgrade motor to BN motor. All I got for the reply was that with BN motor, it would be 6 kg more but no weight for Raven AC-1! I could try to weight it myself but afraid of getting a hernia doing so. So I wonder if anybody actually know the actual weight.
When I was contemplating the upgrade from the AC 1 to the BN PSU cum motor unit, I sent a barrage of questions to Herr Woschnik and he was always courteous and prompt ( same day response). If you need the weight to design a wall shell or any other mounting arrangement , I reckon you should be OK with 70kgs, ie 10kg for the BN motor, 50 kg for the TW AC plinth+platter with a safety margin.
All the best