Electronic stylus force gauge question

I recently bought my first electronic stylus force gauge. It's a generic type made in China, but looks and feels a surprisingly decent quality. It was purchased from Mehran at SoraSound for those who happen to have it.

I noticed that when I try to measure the VTF, the gauge begins to display a minus reading of -0.01-03 g as I'm lowering the tonearm to place the stylus on the black dot. It then displays a steady reading once the stylus is placed on the dot, which appears to be accurate by comparing with the Shure gauge I used in the past.

I make sure that the platter is secured so I'm not quite sure why the gauge displays the minus reading before the stylus lands in the measuring spot.

Has anyone else experienced this with their electronic gauge? I realize the minus value is arguably negligible, and the issue might be of no practical significance, but I'm trying to get my Delos to track as close to 1.75 as possible so I wonder whether I need to adjust for the minus value. I'm also curious why this is happening.

Dear Doug & Stringreen,
There is an old saying that in order to prove that something doesn't work at 1.75g you must at least be allowed the dignity of trying it first without being heckled?

Since 1.75 is the central reference point, I'm sure once this has taken place, Actus is experienced enough to know whether he needs to go plus or minus 1/100th of a gram?
Kind regards....

Your assumption that, "Actus is experienced enough to know whether he needs to go plus or minus 1/100th of a gram", is belied by his own words. He clearly stated that he has no intention of doing so. I often find it helpful to read what people actually say before making assumptions on their behalf.

By way of clarification, no one has been "heckled". Heckling involves gibes or challenges offered with the intent to disrupt, upset or goad. The intent of all comments on this thread has been educational. A debate of ideas and practices does not constitute heckling.

Thanks for your input,
Dear Doug,
Dougdeacon said :

Your assumption that, "Actus is experienced enough to know whether he needs to go plus or minus 1/100th of a gram", is belied by his own words. He clearly stated that he has no intention of doing so.

Where? Now you are the one making assumptions. Being experienced enough and acting upon it are 2 different things. He only states the obvious fact of being guided by the manufacturer's advice and he has been polite enough to admit to being "less golden eared than you", nothing more.

BTW I'm tracking mine at 1.759g - subject to tolerance of course. :o)
Kind regards....
I prefer the good old analog VTF gauge. I can see the counterweight and I know it works, but the scale shown on eBay intrigues me. I suggest for calibration purposes using a brand new shiny penny. The new pennies weigh 2.500 grams. That is close to the VTF values we all seek. Just get a new, untouched penny from the bank, don't touch it with fingers and get oils on it, or clean with alcohol first and see how accurate your gauge is with that.
Yuk...this "argument" is really getting silly. I offered my views because in MY experience, I found my posting to be absolutely accurate...but only for those who are looking for the very best their setup can bring to them. If that is not your goal zei gazundt. ( although its a puzzelment why you are on this forum)