Electronic stylus force gauge question

I recently bought my first electronic stylus force gauge. It's a generic type made in China, but looks and feels a surprisingly decent quality. It was purchased from Mehran at SoraSound for those who happen to have it.

I noticed that when I try to measure the VTF, the gauge begins to display a minus reading of -0.01-03 g as I'm lowering the tonearm to place the stylus on the black dot. It then displays a steady reading once the stylus is placed on the dot, which appears to be accurate by comparing with the Shure gauge I used in the past.

I make sure that the platter is secured so I'm not quite sure why the gauge displays the minus reading before the stylus lands in the measuring spot.

Has anyone else experienced this with their electronic gauge? I realize the minus value is arguably negligible, and the issue might be of no practical significance, but I'm trying to get my Delos to track as close to 1.75 as possible so I wonder whether I need to adjust for the minus value. I'm also curious why this is happening.

Hi Marek,

None of the electrical effects I hypothesized would be harmful to the cartridge (or to the gauge, for that matter) in any way.

Best regards,
-- Al
If the cause is magnetic attraction, once your finger or the cuing lever has released the pick-up arm all the weight will be carried by the scale; no correction needed.

If your goal is precision (repeatable results) as opposed to absolute accuracy that's easy to determine. Make several measurements and see if the are the same. That is if your arm is not like my OL with its dual pivot construction ( the point of the vert. pivot does not always return to the same spot in the jeweled cup due to planned slop).
I think I might have outsmarted the scale! I placed the stylus on the weighing spot and then turned it on. It showed 0.000 grams as I expected, but when I lifted the tonearm, it showed a negative reading of...1.778 grams! I repeated the procedure several times and the reading remained consistent. I then repeated the procedure with the scale turned on before placing the stylus, and despite the negative reading the result was the same so it appears the negative reading does not factor in in the measurement.

I know - I need to get out more often. Thank you everyone for the input and advice. May your Friday night be more exciting than mine :)
It is actually quite simple. Those generic pressure gauges marketed under various brand names have a magnetic (Stainless steel) plate. This is attracted by the cartridge magnet as it gets closer, hence the negative reading. Depending on your cartridge the reading may be quite large. However, once the stylus makes contact with the platform the magnetic attraction is cancelled out. This can be verified by zeroing the gauge with the stylus resting on it, and then lifting it away, the negative reading will be the same as the positive reading you would have measured the conventional way. You will track far too heavy if you zero the gauge with the cartridge in close proximity.