entry level turntable

i am thinking of giving vinyl a try but i don't want to spend alot to begin with. am i better off getting something like the rega rp1 or the project debut carbon or would a vintage turntable be a better way to go.
Rega RP 1 with performance package which comes with upgraded cartridge, belt & mat. If you buy pre-installed it is cheaper. All I will say is believe all the good things you hear about this TT!

P.S. - Don't judge at least till 100 hrs burnin (as with most). Big change.
The VPI is made in USA (New Jersey). There is only the cuing device that is made in Asia..(this is what I was told).
Here's a different approach: the Audio Technica AT-PL120 USB DD turntable with LPGear enhancements. It even has 78 rpm, and speeds are changed by a switch, rather than removing the platter and changing the belt position. The LPGear mods include a better mat and a Nagoaka cartridge.

PLUS! this TT has a built-in (but bypassable) phono preamp and A/D converter for ripping LPs to digital. The Tone Report's review of the pre-USB version of this turntable was pretty complimentary, especially considering the price. It's in Issue 11 under Dorgay's article, "Budget Gear."

Even if you move on, $300 bucks isn't much, and it could be handy to keep around for playing 78's.
Please do not buy the Audio Technica. Every audiophile forum has given this item poor reviews, but they are heavily promoted on Amazon and others sites because of the build in USB and phono preamp, presumably for people wanting to transfer their vinyl to digital. It may be ok for creating MP3 files, but not for pure listening to vinyl purposes. think about it, $300 for a turntable, arm cartridge, phono preamp and AD converter with profit for manufacturer, distributor and retailer. What could you really expect for that price? and how much is apportioned to the turntable/arm/cartridge only.