You might be right. Certainly many factors and considerations go into making a product, the profit margin being most important to most, if not all, manufacturers. But I can say with confidence that the TTW all-copper ring did not outperform the VPI ring so I'd be skeptical about any such claims regarding newer rings. After all, it's an accessory and any effect on the sound in a well-balanced system should be relatively subtle to begin with. I'm sure the mega ring does what it is designed to do well. It might just come down to personal preference with respect to price, ease of use, and aesthetics.
You might be right. Certainly many factors and considerations go into making a product, the profit margin being most important to most, if not all, manufacturers. But I can say with confidence that the TTW all-copper ring did not outperform the VPI ring so I'd be skeptical about any such claims regarding newer rings. After all, it's an accessory and any effect on the sound in a well-balanced system should be relatively subtle to begin with. I'm sure the mega ring does what it is designed to do well. It might just come down to personal preference with respect to price, ease of use, and aesthetics.