Cartridge for VPI Classic 3?

Purchasing a VPI Classic 3... want to hear opinions on cartridges. So far my front runner is the Lyra Delos which is also at the top of my budget. Others considered were Benz Micro Glider, Dynvector 20X, VPI Zephyr

My system:

McIntosh C1000T preamp (extremely flexible phonestage)
2 McIntosh MC275's
Dali Helicon 800 MKII
Synergistic Research cables/power cords

All great cartridges that match the Classic arm. Cartridge choice will depend on personal taste as each cartridge offers a slightly different presentation. I would also add to your list the Dynavector xx2 mk2.
There are quite a few people that like the Sound Smith VPI Zephyr. It was designed for the VPI unipivot arms.

A sleeper cart that some feel provides very good performance is the AT-33PTG (not available through U.S. importers but available on eBay from Asian dealers). The 33EV is also considered a good performer but many feel its performance falls a little short of its line-contact stylus big brother at around the same cost (though it is available through U.S. dealers).
I will second the voting for the VPI Zephyr cartridge. Great seperation and top to bottom balance, very musical, and matches extremely well with the VPI unipivot arms, all for under $1000. Interesting that it also seems to be a lot less sensitive to surface imperfections ( less pops and ticks) than a lot of other carts that I have used. Good Luck!
I had the 20x2 low output on the classic 3. The XX2 Mk II was really worth the extra money when I upgraded. Based on my experience and in my opinion, I suggest if you are considering Dynavector go directly to the xx2 MkII on the Classic 3, it is really that much better. For me, getting the SRA at 91.5 degrees also really paid off in improving the sound.