Emma Watson- audiophile?

Last night Emma Watson told Jimmy Fallen that the director of her latest film gave her an album on vinyl, and she has been collecting ever since. The world's cutest child star grows into the world's cutest movie star, and now she's into analog! (She is only rivaled of course, by Natalie Portman, but this might give her the edge, sorry A.P.)
The young star of the biggest movie franchise in history promotes vinyl, now that's something!
Soix - I should hope so!

Fjn04 - I have listened to "I Am Shelby Lynne" more times than I could count and was fortunate enough to see her live at a small club. Inspired to check out her latest , thanks.
"Steve Jobs was a pioneer of digital music. His legacy is tremendous, but when he went home, he listened to vinyl."
-Neil Young.

It's the same Neil Young who said that downloading a digital file is like saying, "Hey, Picasso. Fax me a painting."
I have a 24-year-old female friend who is mesmerized by the sound of my analog system and the whole experience of listening to records. It of course helps that I have a dedicated listening room with $$$-worth of equipment (by non-audiophile, not by A-gon standards of course), but she loves the entire experience and aspires to get an analog system when she makes enough money to afford it. Before I "converted" her, she listened to her IPhone exclusively...I really think the fact that kids today are hardly ever exposed to good sound has most to do with the analog being a niche interest. Make the hobby less exclusive and attempt to expose one's kids, friends and non-audiophiles to the experience. It may not bring vinyl back as the music reproduction source of choice for all, but it will strengthen its popularity and ongoing revival. Just my two cents.
Before I "converted" her, she listened to her IPhone exclusively...I really think the fact that kids today are hardly ever exposed to good sound has most to do with the analog being a niche interest. Make the hobby less exclusive and attempt to expose one's kids, friends and non-audiophiles to the experience.

I don't know how many times I've said that same thing.

Even if you do nothing for analog or high end audio, the fact a young person discovers how beautiful music can be when it's presented in top form is passing along the joy we all experience.