Shelter 501Mk2 or ZYX R100-02H

I`m in a quandary...

Shelter 501Mk2 ($938) or ZYX R100-02H ($860)... Which cartridge is preferable for me?
I use: Avid Volvere turntable + SME-309 tonearm + EAR-834P Deluxe and I listen rock music (from art-rock to metal)...

I hope for your help...

OK, this is useful information...
As I said, I have EAR-834P DeLuxe.
And pair of tube amps - Audio Research LS/VT.
BTW; 2juki is a very good guy. I think he used to sell here on Agon. Highest regard.

I don't know where you got that information but it doesn't match ZYX's specs or my experience.

I've used over a dozen ZYX models in the last ten years (Bloom, R100, Airy 2, Airy 3, 4D, UNIverse, Omega, UNIverse2... in all three coil materials... in both high and low output versions).

They all measured/behaved like 12-15cu cartridges, as specified.
Ok, I thought the ZYX were measured at 100hz so recommended to multiply stated compliance by 1.5-2x.