Why do I like the Denon 103r so much?

I have a Shelter 5000 but I got a great deal on a Denon 103R that I would try for fun or to have a cheap cartridge for crappy records. I put it on today and I'm floored...it is so alive..so forward, but in a great way. Is the Shelter too smooth, is it broken? Im confused, why do I like the Denon so much?
I've used various 103's for 20 years,primarily because they sound much more like the classical live concerts I attend 5-6 times a month, than the expensive carts people buy to listen to processed rock with.
My observations regarding dl103R and classical are consistent with Schubert's comment. Does other forms of music equally well also. My search for the perfect cart for me ended with the DL103R. I recommend building a vinyl rig around it for anyone seeking vinyl magic and near perfection on a budget. There are good reasons for it being around for as long as it has apparently. A true gem!
If really on a budget, which many good folk are, the DL-110 is not all that far behind.
It's also possible that the cart just clicks with your arm better than the Shelter. Arm-cart compatibility is a big thing, just as speaker-room compatibility. When you find a pair of speakers that just work in your room, it's like a revelation. Sounds like you might have something like that going on. Enjoy and don't screw with it too much!
I have only used a Denon 103pro. Undoubtedly it had the most unadulterated tone and timbre I have heard.