Ortophon spu-gt, which rebuild ?

I have a Ortophon SPU-GT, which came to me with no information.

It appears to have a bent stylus, but still plays nicely on some disposable vinyl.

Strangely, it appears to have a s-shaped bend, almost like it was made that way.

I have heard good things about the Sound-Smith rebuilds, but don't know which level to chose.

Are there other options I should consider?

I see what you mean Jaspert, the Technics with the supplied aux. weight can balance up to a 13gm cartridge, and the head shell is 6gm, for a max. of 19gr vs the 32 for the SPU.

I will rephrase my question :

The various Sound Smith re-tips run $150, $350 & $450, for example.

Assuming a suitable tonearm, does it make sense to spend that much on a repair, or spend the money on a new cartridge ?

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Thanks Viridian, do you have an opinion on what level of repair would bring out the best in the SPU ?

At Sound smith it seems like the choices are: aluminum cantilever, ruby cantilever and ruby cantilever with special diamond tip.

Jaspert, How does one get in touch with Expert Stylus & Co in UK ? The don't seem to have a web address or even e-mail. I could send an Owl, if I had one, I suppose.

I like the look of the Schick arm, haven't seen anything so minimal since the original AR.

What about the SME arms ?

I confess I am a bit at sea here, but this was not a planed acquisition. I bought out a estate's record collection, and at the very end, they told me to just take anything or every thing.

V, making a counter weight is not a problem, I have my own lathe.

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