What's the best add lib ..: guidelines proposed

"I have recently purchased Tiddleywink (TW) 6A speakers -- what's the best matching amp for them?" or "I would like to purchase TW 6A -- any comments?" Questions often encountered in this forum. Similarly for amps, cdp's, etc.
Without peripheral info (rest of system? taste in music? sources? SOMETHING!!!) our answers are usually guesses, shots in the dark... we DON'T know WHERE the component under discussion will be performing NOR what is expected of it.

IMO we could all BE more helpful & FEEL more helpful if some, if not all, of the following clues accompanied such threads:
* Kind of music mostly listened to.
* Kind of sound we like to hear from the system (dynamic, clear, whatever)
* System = up-chain, down-chain, as applicable. "I'm considering this 20k amp".. sure, what's the pre?
* A hint as to what we're looking for when changing (upgrading). "I want to improve the upper register"
* Any equip support / speaker placement?
* Cables?

After all, it's the SYSTEM that's producing the music -- not the single component.

PLEASE give some more info!

Any takers?
I agree. I often want to give advice on a cartridge, and the doesn't say what arm he has, or what his phono stage is. This makes it nearly impossible to give a decent recommendation. Same with all the other stuff too.

I would think that people asking questions would know that we have to know the necessary info, to answer them.

I don't know how to change this.
True, it would be very helpful. Perhaps a few will read your good suggestions and follow your advice but I suspect we will just need to keep asking for the details post by post. Maybe we could just cut and paste your post to save some time ...
Folks who don't post useful questions or contributions generally don't rate a response from me, or if I choose to respond anyway, I'll usually say something about their lack of info provided, hoping people will get a hint. My feeling is, if someone doesn't have the good sense to provide some context or details for their query, then they'll probably get about as helpful a group of replies as they deserve. I do regard it as essentially inconsiderate to presume to make a request of other members' time and attention if a poster can't be bothered to give of the same themselves.
Cripes, I don't even know what an "add lib" is, except an attempt to balance a Republican Convention!
Perhaps, some of our more esteemed posters could propose a standard template for newbies?