Arm to a Eat Forte S


I hope you are well.

Last year my wife bought a second hand Brinkman to me as a birthday present. Unfortunately the deal did not work out. Lots of work for nothing.

However, we are now back on track again. We have ordered a Eat Forte S turntable. We got it for a nice price, approx. USD 5,000 excl tonearm and pickup.

The Eat Forte S need a 12 inch tonearm. Due to budget cosntraints, we have to aim for an arm costing approx. USD 2,000 - 2,500. This outrule Graham, Triplanar, Ikeda, etc.

I have been looking at Reed, SME 312S, Ortofon TA-210, Pro-Ject 12cc Evolution, Schick and AMG tonearm.

I would be very happy for your thoughts on this.

My equipment is Burmester 051, Burmester 061, Wilson Sophia 2, Revox B-77Mk2, etc.

Cheeers and thanks, Toffen

Thanks. I will ask Eat Forte about their arm. I can get the Project 12 CC arm for a very nice price, so thats a good thought.

How are you pleased with the turntable?

Cheeers, Toffen
Very pleased and very proud to use it. I am new to vinyl but so far what I had as experience proves that this is a great performing table. it has been the least expensive investment in the system and by far the best improvment in sound.
I do not know if it has arrived at your home but it looks amazing in live. Even if you opt for the Project 12 be sure you are making a wise decision. You get so much from the money invested.
For your price range I would think about : SME 3012 series,
Micro Seiki MA 505 L and Reed 2A , second hand on A'gon
market. There is no Triplanar in 12" while the other are
above your price range. Nice gear btw.
Hi! Thanks:)

I see a Reed 2A cost approx usd 3,000 in Norway. People I know well and who is into vinyl are very exited about this brand. If I am correct the arm can be delivered in various config. Reed has a dynamic way of sound, and this should suit Eat Forte S which is more relaxed. Maybe I wrong though!

Cheers Toffen